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I currently work as a privacy and data protection lawyer at apple. I have been involved in the launch of Data Rights an NGO for advancing users’, orgs’ and communities’ rights to their data. Before that, as Vice-President of (France’s oldest Internet access provider), I co-started the Exégètes Amateurs (a digital rights litigation group). I also cofounded Terms of Service; Didn’t Read and am a former board member of the Free Software Foundation Europe. -ist Zappa.
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Rebuilding the site
I’m rebuilding the site and completing the transition to a pandoc based ikiwiki.
Notice something not working or a dead link? Get in touch! Thanks.
Thanks to the amazing work over fed.brid.gy by @snarfed.org@snarfed.org, this little website is now part of the fediverse!
This post is also a test.
Ces deux théories étaient séduisantes intellectuellement mais les recherches scientifiques remettent sérieusement en cause leur validité… force est de constater qu’il faudrait désormais cesser d’avoir recours à l’Effet Dunning-Kruger ou au concept de bulles de filtre (“filter bubbles”).
Restoring an HP Touchpad webOS tablet
Accepter les cookies et le traçage publicitaire, ou payer
« Il est difficile de dire la vérité, car il n’y en a qu’une, mais elle est vivante, et a par conséquent un visage changeant. »
Franz Kafka,
cité par Étienne Klein, Le goût du vrai (2020)
I’m rebuilding the site and completing the transition to a pandoc
based ikiwiki. Notice something not working or a dead link? Get in
touch! Thanks. Thanks to the amazing work over fed.brid.gy by
@snarfed.org@snarfed.org, this little website is
now part of the fediverse! This post is also a test.Rebuilding the site
Restoring an HP Touchpad webOS tablet
The EU General Data Protection Regulation explained by Americans
Ces deux théories étaient séduisantes intellectuellement mais les
recherches scientifiques remettent sérieusement en cause leur validité…
force est de constater qu’il faudrait désormais cesser d’avoir recours à
l’Effet Dunning-Kruger ou au concept de bulles de filtre (“filter
bubbles”). « Il est difficile de dire la
vérité, car il n’y en a qu’une, mais elle est vivante, et a par
conséquent un visage changeant. » Franz Kafka, Blanche
Gardin nous parle de Twitter, c’est très drôle et assez juste, et ça
m’a rappelé ce
billet à propos de liberté d’expression et droit à l’oubli.Accepter les cookies et le traçage publicitaire, ou payer
cité par Étienne Klein, Le goût du vrai (2020)Twitter et le bistro
Accepter les cookies et le traçage publicitaire, ou payer
The EU General Data Protection Regulation explained by Americans
Données sur le net : tous suspects
I’m rebuilding the site and completing the transition to a pandoc
based ikiwiki. Notice something not working or a dead link? Get in
touch! Thanks. Thanks to the amazing work over fed.brid.gy by
@snarfed.org@snarfed.org, this little website is
now part of the fediverse! This post is also a test. Ces deux théories étaient séduisantes intellectuellement mais les
recherches scientifiques remettent sérieusement en cause leur validité…
force est de constater qu’il faudrait désormais cesser d’avoir recours à
l’Effet Dunning-Kruger ou au concept de bulles de filtre (“filter
bubbles”).Rebuilding the site
Here some little known, yet awesome apps or tools that I use. Thanks
to the people working on these (I’m glad to have met some of them, and
they’re awesome too)! Transportr is an Android
app to help you use public transports systems. It’s simply the best one
I’ve seen, and it supports a lot of systems (city-wide like Berlin or
Paris and even long-distance). Feedbin is an RSS web reader. It
provides a pleasing reading experience and you can easily browse through
items and share links. If you’re looking to host it yourself, have a look at the sources. ikiwiki powers this blog, hosted
by branchable. If you like git
and markdow, and editing your texts with your favourite text editor,
this is for you. Known (formerly “idno”) is more
“socially aware” than ikiwiki. It runs with PHP and it’s basically your
easy-to-run indieweb space. If
you use it with http://brid.gy
you will enjoy a nice integration with twitter and other silos (see an
example of my own). YunoHost is custom debian
distribution aiming at making self-hosting easy. It provides a nice web
interface for administration of your self-hosted server and for users of
the web server. If you have basic linux administration skills, this will
be very helpful. Pinboard a simple and efficient
bookmarking app that also archives the content of marked pages (if you
pay for it). Unfortunately, Pinboard is not released as free software.
But you can export your
bookmarks. Sharesome lets you easily
share files on the web. It has a pleasant interface that works well on
all devices I have tested so far. It’s also available as a web app. The neat feature
is that you can choose where to host your data (for instance, with remotestorage; you can get an
account at https://5apps.com). Some shameless self-promo with ToSDR,
the app that tells you what happens to your rights online by rating and
summarising Terms of service and privacy policies. You can also get it
directly in your web
browser or as a web
app. If you’re looking for a curated list of awesome web services that are
free of charge and based on free software and open data, look no further
than Jan’s Libre projects.Restoring an HP Touchpad webOS tablet
Terms of Service; Didn’t Read
« Il est difficile de dire la
vérité, car il n’y en a qu’une, mais elle est vivante, et a par
conséquent un visage changeant. » Franz Kafka, Most of the hardware devices are, even as you read this, available
as off-the-shelf items, just waiting to be plugged into each other in
order to put an end to the record business as we know it. Frank Zappa with Peter Occhiogrosso, The Real Frank Zappa
Book (p. 336, Chapter 18, “Failure”), A Touchstone Book,
published by Simon & Schuster, 1988-1989. Also see, “A proposal for a system to replace phonograph record
merchandising”. – Bah, la vérité, la vérité… Qui peut dire ce qui est vrai et ce qui ne l'est pas, commandant ! Pour nous, l'essentiel, ce n'est pas la vérité, c'est la justice, non ? Pierre Lemaitre, Alex (2011)
cité par Étienne Klein, Le goût du vrai (2020)